Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Worm diet finished. No sign of life form. Dig it. Now that I've successfully completed the program as zlatko's guinea pig and came out alive and well, Zlatko will now pick up where he never started.  Good luck friend. You're our last hope for filth and disgust.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 11

I'm slowly weening myself off of the diet. Don't panic! I'm sticking to the thick of it...rice, fish, chicken, vegetables. But I have been expanding the limits and eating other things in addition to the foods previously listed. Other fruits, cereal, a couple Hershey Kisses, maybe a slice of pizza... So I guess it's not weening so much as integrating. I'm still taking the supplements along with it, and so far, no alien sightings to date. Either these things are deeply impacted in the caverns of my guts and refuse to budge, or I'm untouchable. The blog's URL is I wish a monster would. Seems to me like a monster wouldn't dare. #cocky #knockonwood

Monday, January 14, 2013

The weekend

The weekend was a test of strength...and my weakness got a little bit of the best of me. I deviated from the diet a bit by  consuming fried chicken Saturday night, and a few bowls of cereal throughout the rest of Saturday and Sunday.  In doing so, I found no changes in the results of this ongoing experiment. Zlatko thinks I may have just breathed a little bit of life back into the would-be starved cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers, but I beg to differ. So far, no trace of said C.H.U.Ds, so I'm beginning to think the diet may be more of a guideline than a must. That's how I'm gonna justify it if I slip up and deviate from the diet again anyway. Halfway through. Get some.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Lack of Zlatko

Lack of Zlatko sucks for everyone, I know. The reason is that I got sick as a monster that lurks inside of Fordosi. I kept the diet up for a few days but stopped taking the doses, but then stopped altogether because I needed various forbidden things to quell my sickness. Also, I needed to distinguish between being sick and having some sort of side effect to the program. I'm finally getting out of this terrible state of temporary death and closing in on reality. I'm proud of Mike for continuing this regimen and hope to finish mine in the near future.

*Standing in solidarity*

Friday, January 11, 2013


Day two of double dosage in the books. Findings of any changes or effects are negative.  On another note my little sister (AKA Sam) is finding joy in my misery. Last night when I was cooking dinner she proceeded to mock me in a whiney condescending tone "oh look at mike and his organic foods" as she scarfs down doughnuts and pizza. Weasel. Then today she swindled me onto breaking one of the pills open and trying it without the plastic capping. After attempting to chug down a gulp of the grotesque water/pill powder concoction, The disgusted face I made along with my sickened reaction to the filthy swamp like solution, was enough to keep her laughing for an extended period of time. This was by far the worst idea she's ever had, and I told her so.  It's so nice to have family support.
Side note: I'm getting tired of not being able to eat whatever I want. Straight up white whine.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 4

Dosage doubled.  2/3 down for the day. No noticeable effects. I'm beginning to think a. this program is a hoax, b. I'm as healthy as a horse, or c. both.
I attempted to channel my inner Taiwanese last night in an attempt to make chicken fried rice for dinner. It didn't turned out quite as expected, not bad, but a bit bland. Taking into consideration my limited food allowances at the moment...I think if I tinkered with a few ingredients... I could very well open a Kung Fu dojo. Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Feeling pretty good so far. No new findings/changes as of yet. I've been eating radishes today and found they have a bit of a burning sensation to them when eaten by themselves. Also I think the first thing I'm gonna eat when this is over is a big ass Cinnabun. It's been 2+ days without sweet foods, and I'm itchin. Tomorrow we up the Paragone dosage. Shit's about to get real son...